Support the MeidasTouch Network

Help keep our unapologetically pro-democracy reporting going by making a one-time or recurring contribution to the MeidasTouch Network.

Custom One-Time

$5.00 USD
Choose What You Contribute! (Min. $5)


$25.00 USD


$50.00 USD

$100 One-Time

$100.00 USD

$500 One-Time

$500.00 USD

$1000 One-Time

$1,000.00 USD

$10000 One-Time

$10,000.00 USD

$10 Monthly

$10.00 USD monthly

$25 Monthly

$25.00 USD monthly

$100 Monthly

$100.00 USD monthly

$1000 Monthly

$1,000.00 USD monthly
Your contribution to the MeidasTouch Network does not constitute a charitable donation. But it will enable us to continue bringing you our essential, unapologetically pro-democracy reporting.